tirsdag 14. mai 2019

Stencil portrait in 9-layers

Made this using only one Montana transparent black can.

Stencil portrait with 9 layers, using only one transparent black can.

Projectin image onto cardboard and drawing the cuttin lines.

Used a tracer-projector to show the image on
a large piece of fine cardboard. I drew each
layer by hand andcut them with a scalpel knife.

Sprayin the steps from darkest to lightest nuanse

Two pieces of plywood on each end of the canvas
made sure I could line up the huge stencils easily.
Then I tried to keep the can in the same motion and
distance each time I sprayed the canvas. That didn't
happen. A pink fat-cap helped me so I could get 
farther away from the stencil as I sprayed it. 