mandag 23. desember 2019


A piece of aluminium foil wrapped around a can of soda.
The beauty in everyday objects. 

Photo of aluminium foil edited with the Camera raw-filter.

Photo of aluminium foil edited with the Camera raw-filter.

Photo of aluminium foil edited with the Camera raw-filter.

Photo of aluminium foil edited with the Camera raw-filter.

Photo of aluminium foil edited with the Camera raw-filter.

fredag 15. november 2019

Bend several strips of paper multiple times, in any direction. 
Attach them to eachother with tape.
Take a picture and adjust it in Photoshop.
Photoshopped image of paperstrips.

Photoshopped image of paperstrips.

søndag 1. september 2019

Dag Gimle, utstilling på Galleri Kampen.

Da jeg kom hjem så jeg med en gang at jeg hadde tatt alt for få bilder
og at kameraet på telefonen min ikke på langt nær klarte å etterligne
fargene. Maleriene til Dag Gimle må oppleves live og jeg anbefaler
alle til å ta turen innom galleri Kampen i Oslo! Utstillingen varer frem
til 22. September.

Maleri av Dag Gimle

Maleri av Dag Gimle

Maleri av Dag Gimle

søndag 18. august 2019

Office dilemma: change my PC or change my shelf...

Oh no, my new computa has ports, cooling holes and the power
switch on top of the case. It was already a tight fit so I had to
roll up em sleeves and figure something out.

First i measured how huge thumb was and then
I created a design for the holes i needed.

Now, would it fit, I wondered.

Yeaiii ! Todays lesson: If you've build something,
it's easier to change it afterwards.

Or something.

mandag 15. juli 2019

tirsdag 14. mai 2019

Stencil portrait in 9-layers

Made this using only one Montana transparent black can.

Stencil portrait with 9 layers, using only one transparent black can.

Projectin image onto cardboard and drawing the cuttin lines.

Used a tracer-projector to show the image on
a large piece of fine cardboard. I drew each
layer by hand andcut them with a scalpel knife.

Sprayin the steps from darkest to lightest nuanse

Two pieces of plywood on each end of the canvas
made sure I could line up the huge stencils easily.
Then I tried to keep the can in the same motion and
distance each time I sprayed the canvas. That didn't
happen. A pink fat-cap helped me so I could get 
farther away from the stencil as I sprayed it. 